The Muránska Plain is situated in Spiš-Gemer karst area, surrounded by the Stolické vrchy (Stolické Hills), the Slovak Paradise, Horehronské Podolie and Veporské vrchy (Veporské Hills). The highest peak is Kľak (1409 m). Creeks flowing in the western part of the Muránska Plain divide it into Baňov Hill, Javorina, Hradová and Kášter. In the eastern part it is divided into Grúň, Stratenik and Dlhý vrch (Long Hill). Just little water flows out of the plain through creeks. Some of them are: Furmanec, Strieborný potok (Silver Creek), Hrdzavý potok (Rusty Creek), Trsteník, Strateník and Dlhý potok (Long Creek).
The surface of the Muránska Plain consists of a thin layer of soil, at many places replaced by plain rocks. Local flora is very similar to the flora in the Slovak Paradise, but you can find there more mountain and alpine plants. Daphne Arbuscula is a very rare plant growing on steep, hardly accessible stonewalls of the Muránska Plain. Other protected plants are Zemolez Alpínsky, Stračia Nôžka Tatranská, Lomikaz Trváci and Rosnička Okrúhlolistá.
The most visited tourist attractions are: Muráň Castle, stone column, the spring in Furmanec and the reservation Suché doly (Dry Valley) - Teplice.
SURROUNDINGS: Kráľova Hoľa (Šumiac - 17 km), Low Tatras (Šumiac - 17 km) and Dobšinská Ice cave (32 km)